Interactive Board Games Experience. *This pricing applies to a group of 50 students, organized into 5 or 7 groups. Any additional students beyond the initial 50 will incur an extra cost of 36 euros each.
1 800 EUR for 1 day!
What does the program entail?
What You'll Get
Didn't find the game you were looking for? Let us know, and we will design the game specifically for your school.
Game #1
Creativity, the design of business ideas, and pitching skills.
Game #2
A gamified experience where you will develop your company into a sustainable business with social impact.
Game #3
Personal discovery, vocation, and personality types based on the Holland Code Test.
Game #4
Discover different paths to the entrepreneurial mindset through 5 fun mini games.
Game #5
Understand recycling and waste management systems.
Game #6
Develop critical thinking skills related to authority, decision-making, and politics.
Certification Rewards for Dedicated Students
All students actively participating in our recommended workshops and courses will be awarded certificates, acknowledging their dedication to personal and academic growth. These certificates stand as a testament to their involvement and proficiency in the knowledge gained throughout these educational programs.